Herbal Incense powder

 Herbal Incense powder by Nado Poizokhang is made for purification ceremonies. It is used in monasteries and homes alike. The powder is filled into statues and incense bowls and burned during the ceremonies producing a cleansing and fragrant smoke.

What is powder incense?

Incense Powder contains no charcoal, glue, adhesives, or foreign material that would effect the fragrance. … All burning is contained in the controlled fireproof burner.

How do you use herbal incense?

How to use: When the herbal incense is ready, hold the handle end and light the other end until you get a flame going. Blow out the fire and let the herbs smolder. Place the dried herbs in a small heat-proof bowl or dish and enjoy bringing the scents of the outdoors inside.

Powder Herbal Incense



Powder Herbal Incense



Powder Herbal Incense

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Powder Herbal Incense



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